Finally SWMonsoon Advanced Up to Kannur Today

After four days of forecast finally IMD Declared South West Monsoon Onset today june 8th over Kerala. Up to kannur in kerala sw monsoon Advances according to indian Meteorological department release. IMD forecast Monsoon onset on June 4 with model error + or – 4 days.

The Southwest Monsoon has advanced into remaining parts of south Arabian Sea and some parts of central Arabian Sea, entire Lakshadweep area, most parts of Kerala, most parts of south Tamil Nadu, remaining parts of Comorin area, Gulf of Mannar and some more parts of southwest, central and northeast Bay of Bengal today, the 08th June 2023. Thus, Southwest Monsoon has set in over Kerala today, the 08th June, 2023 against the normal date of 01st June.
During past 24 hours, clouding has increased over Southeast Arabian sea with Outgoing Long wave Radiation(OLR) being <200 w/m2. The depth of westerlies over Southeast Arabian sea extends upto mid tropospheric levels. The strength of Westerlies in the lower levels has increased to about 19 knots. Thus, there has been widespread rainfall over Kerala during past 24 hours. Considering all the above satisfied conditions, Southwest Monsoon has set in over Kerala today, the 08th June, 2023. The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) now passes through lat. 13.5°N/ Long. 55°E, lat. 14.0°N/ Long. 60°E, lat. 13.5°N/ Long. 65°E, lat. 13°N/ Long. 70°E, Cannur, Kodaikanal, Adirampattinam, lat. 12.0°N/ Long. 83.0°E, 16.0°N/88.0°E, 18.5°N/90.0°E, 22.0°N/93.0°E.  Conditions are favourable for further advance of Southwest monsoon into some more parts of central Arabian Sea,remaining parts of Kerala, some more parts of Tamil Nadu, some parts of Karnataka and some more parts of southwest, Central and northeast Bay of Bengal and some parts of northeastern states during next 48 hours.

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