uae weather today 17-10-23
According to NCM UAE Fair to partly cloudy at times, with a chance of some convective clouds formation eastward with a probability of rainfall by afternoon.
Humid by night and Wednesday morning with a probability of fog or mist formation over some coastal and internal areas.
Light to moderate winds freshening at times. The sea will be slight in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.
Area Temperatures R.H. %
Max. Min. Max. Min.
Coastal & islands 32 – 36 25 – 28 70 – 90 25 – 35
Internal 35 – 40 20 – 24 65 – 90 20 – 30
Mountains 30 – 34 19 – 24 50 – 70 10 – 20
Wind Area Speed (Km/h) Direction
Coastal & islands 10 – 20, reaching 30 km/hr. Southeasterly – Northeasterly
Internal 10 – 20 reaching 30 km/hr. Southeasterly – Northeasterly
Mountains 10 – 20 reaching 40 km/hr. Southeasterly – Northeasterly

Forecast for the coming 4 days
Wednesday 18 October 2023
Fair to partly cloudy at times, with a chance of some convective clouds formation eastward might be with rainfall by afternoon.
Humid by night and Thursday morning with a chance of fog or mist formation over some areas especially coasts.
Light to moderate Southeasterly becoming to Northwesterly and Northeasterly winds freshening at times, with a speed of 10 – 25, reaching 40 Km/hr.The sea will be slight in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.
Thursday 19 October 2023
Fair to partly cloudy at times, with a probability of some convective clouds formation eastward by afternoon. Humid by night and
Friday morning with a chance of fog or mist formation over some coastal and internal areas. Light to moderate Southeasterly
becoming to Northwesterly and Northeasterly winds freshening at times, with a speed of 10 – 20, reaching 35 Km/hr. The sea will be
slight in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.
Friday 20 October 2023
Fair to partly cloudy at times, with a probability of some convective clouds formation eastward and southward by afternoon. Humid
by night and Saturday morning with a chance of fog or mist formation over some areas especially coasts. Light to moderate
Southeasterly becoming to Northwesterly and Northeasterly winds freshening at times, with a speed of 10 – 20, reaching 35 Km/hr.
The sea will be slight in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.
Saturday 21 October 2023
Fair to partly cloudy at times, and some clouds appear eastward, and southward might be convective by afternoon. Humid by night and Sunday morning with a chance of fog or mist formation over some coastal and internal areas. Light to moderate Southeasterly becoming to Northwesterly winds freshening at times, with a speed of 10 – 20, reaching 35 Km/hr. The sea will be slight in the Arabian Gulf and in the Oman Sea.