A strong earthquake hit the Arabian Sea near Lakshadweep. An earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter scale occurred at 8:56 pm tonight. This was confirmed by the National Seismological Observatory and private seismological monitoring agencies.

A moderate magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred in the Arabian Sea 216 km (134 mi) from Maldives in the evening of Monday, May 27, 2024 at 8.26 pm local time (GMT +5). The quake had a very shallow depth of 10 km (6 mi) and was felt by many near the epicenter. The shallow depth of the quake caused it to be felt more strongly near the epicenter than a deeper quake of similar magnitude would.
The quake struck at 8:26 p.m. tonight, about 216 km from the island of Maldives, according to private earthquake monitors based in Germany. The epicentre is 10 km below sea level. Seven cities in the Maldives experienced mild jolts.

Date & time | May 27, 2024 15:26:56 UTC – 1 hour 39 minutes ago |
Local time | Monday, May 27, 2024, at 08:26 pm (GMT +5) |
Status | Confirmed |
Magnitude | 4.5 |
Depth | 10 km |
Epicenter | 6.99°N / 70.95°E![]() |
Seismic antipode | 6.99°S / 109.05°W |
Shaking | V Moderate shaking near epicenter |
Felt | 6 reports |
Primary data source | NCS (National Center for Seismology) |
Weather at epicenter | Overcast Clouds ![]() |
Estimated energy | 3.5 x 1011 joules (98.6 megawatt hours, equivalent to 84.8 tons of TNT) | about seismic energy |
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