st of July 2023 (from 07:00 AM to 07:00 AM LST following day):
Partly cloudy skies along the coastal areas of Dhofar governorate and adjoining mountains with chance of intermittent drizzle, also chances of isolated thundershower over the desert part of the governorate. Mainly clear skies over most of governorates with chances of convective clouds development associated with isolated rain, occasionally thundershowers and strong downdraft winds over parts of Al Hajar
Mountains and adjoining areas towards afternoon. Chances of low clouds or fog patches at late night to early morning along the east coast of Musandam and parts of coastal areas of Oman Sea and Arabian
nd of July 2023 (from 07:00 AM to 07:00 AM LST following day):
Partly cloudy skies along the coastal areas of Dhofar governorate and adjoining mountains with chance of intermittent drizzle. Mainly clear skies over most of governorates with advection of high clouds and medium with chances of convective clouds development with isolated rain, occasionally thundershowers over Al Hajar Mountains and adjoining areas towards afternoon. Chances of low clouds or fog patches at late night to early morning along parts of coastal areas of Oman Sea and Arabian Sea
Chance of dust rising over the deserts of governorates of South Al Sharqiya, Al Dhahira, Al Wusta, al Al Buraimi and Dhofar.